I have a Emerson DVD/VHS record combo and when I try to record using the DVD I get an error message "E4 54037380"
I have cleaned the lens but nothing seems to help. I have tried different blank DVD's ( Maxell, Sony, Verbatim, Memorex) no change. How do I fix it?
I think the error message E4 54037380 has something to do with copy protection. I first got the error when I was trying to copy some episodes of Law and Order onto DVD so I could clear up some room in my recorder. I don't get this error with all programs, just Law and Order. I know it is not my disk. I've used Maxell, Memorex, and Verbatim disks with this recorder and never had a problem until Law and Order, so there's nothing else it can be except some sort of copy protection.
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by Dave Riley Aug 26, 2008
I also get the same error message on my Funai DVD Recorder with Video Cassette recorder. Like you I have spent a lot of moneey on several different brands of the dicc recommended in the Funai Owner's Manual and also got an Av diagnostics lens cleaner too and all the time keep getting the following message »»»»
Cannot record using this disc :Error Message E4-54037380.. it is driving me nuts --would apprecaite any help you might be able to give me.