Larry Posted Jun 22, 2007
Thanks Zardoz. I had worked on this issue several months back.
After dissecting the player, checking out the microswitches (which
were called "DW DET" S1 and "OC DET" S2, etc.
I was unable to find any obvious problem. So I next assumed that
the player needed a firmware refresh (or update).
I purchased a firmware disc, actually an electronic image that I
could burn to CD ... from an Internet seller. Filename that I had
was a JVC_firmware_WNM874 kit which contained jvcStep1_U2XVSA70-04B,
a folder which contains the "JVC_DVD" required folder.
I was able to use this CD-ROM to update the firmware on the XV-SA70.
The bad news was that after the DVD player read the firmware disc
and seemed to have done it successfully, upon self-restart it again
demanded a disc to be inserted. I did this over and over again. My
guess at the time was that maybe it's a 2-volume CD-ROM firmware
flash, and that I was missing part 2. I tried asking on the Internet
but I got no answer ... however I did get a refund for the CD-ROM
image that I had paid for; they were nice about it.
Wanting to move on (regretfully), I went ahead and purchased a
brand new JVC XV-N330B DVD player. The good news is that this player
has a lot of desirable features, including that it should auto-convert
video formats for play and output (i.e. NTSC/PAL). The one downside
that sticks out for me is that the remote control that comes with it
is really bad, in that it is so cramped -- small buttons, close
together, hard to read. I really liked the remote that came with the
XV-SA70 and I'm going to see whether I can use that one to control
the XV-N330. This happened a few months back, I've been wanting to
get around to writing an update here.
I'm going to junk that XV-SA70 but I may retain some of the parts, for
example the actual DVD mechanism. Regards, Larry.