We have JVCKYD-29 Camera. This is not working properly. In last week while shooting, the picture in the eye-piece suddenly became bright. When checked on monitor it was found that there was too much of luminance with green colour.
The monitor screen found green even after lense is capped. With no light entering in the lens, the camera is giving over light error while doing white balance. It is also observed that when sutter is switched on it is giving output without green colour in it and after some time the layer of green colour is superimposing on the picture.
While checking the camera in check mode the values of R-G, and B-G are found to be -128, which are supposed to be 0. These values are not getting adjusted as per mannual.
The camera is working fine in colour-Bar mode.
I hope you will help us in solving the problem.
1 comment
You would be much better to contact JVC's "Professional" section with this query, as due to the nature of the camera mentioned a multitude of things could be responsible for the fault, with ALL really requiring a FACTORY service due to the complexity of the device.