Small ccd cammera pluged in to jvc dv cam when in outdoor or high brightness places gives a ghosty black and white some times flickering picture
First of I want to say thank you for the help about the voltage adaptor.
My problem now is I have a helmet cammera I was using it with a panasonic dv cam with av in no problems. It will display a great image on a tv, but as soon as I plug it in to the av on my jvc d70 its ok indoors but out doors or in well lit place the picture just ghosts out looses color and some times flickers.
The jvc cammera av in seems to work ok with a dvd player and set top box for av in, just not this lil ccd cammera.
I then had a crazy Idea I have a av switch box with a bunch of resistors in it (for memory thats it) its got 4 inputs I pluged the cammera in to input one then took the video output of the switch box back in to input two on the switch box then put the switch half way hoping to make it come OUT input three (if this makes sence) well guess what It worked the picture works out doors but the quality isnt as good as I want it its 95% good but not how it should be plus I shouldnt need to do this
Any help would be great Im thinking its going to be as simple as making a impedance changing thingo or some thing
Ps Ive tryed chaning the little ccd cammeras power supply even running off a battery (no difference)