It is a 2.2 Ohm 1 Watt resistor at 5% Varience. Look for 2 red bands followed by 2 gold ones on the replacement. I had a little bit of trouble finding one in Louisville. I finally got one at a place called "Master Distributors" for about 60 cents. I replaced mine with a 2 Watt resistor to hopefully prevent a future burnout.
Hey I have a av-48wp74 and just today after 3 years of flawless use the convergence was off, i tried to adjust it but the red wont adjust side to side . only up and down. i've read there is a fix and yours is the closest to my problem can you help me out Im very handy and capible of soldering in a new resistor,, Thanks........... Greg
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by bruce Aug 18, 2007
Hey I have a av-48wp74 and just today after 3 years of flawless use the convergence was off, i tried to adjust it but the red wont adjust side to side . only up and down. i've read there is a fix and yours is the closest to my problem can you help me out Im very handy and capible of soldering in a new resistor,, Thanks........... Greg
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by bruce Aug 18, 2007