Re[2]: Sony DSC-S40 white LCD screen problem
Bob Allen Posted Jan 10, 2007, in response to:Kehau
Hi there Kehau:
If your camera is suffering from the white/blank screen and no amount of resetting or new batteries has helped try this.
The "Quick Fix" for the Sony DSC-S40 white/blank screen problem is very simple:
1. Hold the camera firmly in your left hand.
2. With the knuckles of your right hand smartly rap the Cybershot logo.
Please let us know how you fare.
(I get a Honorary Internet Gold Star when I get enough responses back.)
The Allens of Allentown, PA USA
Becki Posted May 16, 2007
An Honorary Gold Star is just not enough. I spent no less than 2 hours trying to figure out how to fix it and in less than 20 seconds, I fixed it using your method. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Comment 1, Last comment
by Bob Allen May 16, 2007
Wow, we had the issue of the screen getting "pixelly" and it started to scroll on us. When Googling Screen Issues, I came across your fix. Tried it and it worked!!! Who would have thought....
Thanks sooo much!
Comment 1, Last comment
by Bob Allen Feb 03, 2007