Technics SE -CA1080 amplifier F61 fault
Tony Mitchell Posted Jan 06, 2007
Technics F61 fault
Have Technics SE-CA1080 amplifier which shows F61 fault after only a few seconds of operation. But the amp operates ok when using headphones.
Could anyone tell me if this repairable or if not can I get replacement amp.
due there a chip in the amp called an operational amplifier under a heat sink on the pcb got the same fault they cost about twenty quid and you will need a soldering iron a screwdriver set remove the chip look at m arkings and maplins or rs components will have a replacement the chip fails when it get top volumed for two long theres regulators with heatsinks so remember three legs wrong sink good luck
Comment 1, Last comment
by mesquita Mar 26, 2010
i have the same problem . could you tell me if by putting the new chip in it solved the problem, also do you know anyware i could get it done, dont think i,d be good with a soldering iron. thanks