The blue image is bowing slightly in two spots on the left side of the TV about 6-8 inches from the left edge. It is noticable when a show is not broadcast in widescreen and the image that contains blue trails outside the box by about an inch.
I thought it was a convergence issue, but when I went to adjust I noticed that the blue "target" at the #4 spot was askew counterclockwise a click or two.
Is this something that can be repaired at home (DIY) or something that needs to go to a shop? I have experience repairing/replacing hardware in computers (e.g. harddrives, memory, video cards, etc..), but I have never repaired or replaced pars within a TV or monitor.
Are there troubleshooting manuals/scematics that exist for TVs similar to cars (e.g. Chilton) or is there just the user's guide for the TV?
Any help would be appreciated.