Everytime I used to try to record something on tv,
it would turn off.
I would press the record button then about 5 seconds later it would turn off.
Recently, it wouldn't eject my video tape.
My tv would turn off 5 seconds after I turned it on while the tape was stuck in there.
I felt that because the tape was stuck inside it kept turning off.
So I plied the tape out (it broke) and I thought that would fix the problem.
Everytime I turn the tv on, it turns off 5 seconds after.
It says "EJECT C" on the top left corner of the screen.
I think I also broke the built in VCR player when I plied the video tape out because now I can't put a tape in.
It won't go in.
I know that didn't help you solve your problem,
but i'm just sharing my own personal experience.
However, mine is probably about a 13 inch screen.