I'm unable to reliably choose another channel using numeric input.
I've got my AV-28GH1SUF for a couple of years now, but one thing has never really worked without a problem : the remote. I had allways to aim it fairly straight at the tv's receiver, or it would not respond at all. But I have decided I can live with that.
Whats worse is that I can't seem to select another multi-digit channel using the number-keys without a major struggle. Moving both remote and TV-set together to a distance less than a meter does not change anything about that.
The biggest annoyance with the remote is that the TV seems to have a delayed response on about everything type (and no other indication of an accepted key than the OSD), which maks it *very* hard to either enter a number, or not having it repeat itself.
Any ideas about what is causeing it, and how to fix it ?