I need the manual of digital videocámara JVC model GRD33U´
my address is Mansilla 97 José C.Paz, (C.P. 1665) county of Buenos Aires, Argentina. My telephones: 02320-434502; 155-328-5347; 155-807-5791. I will be appreciated him he/she sends the use manual, to pay at the time of the reception, for their biggest tranquility. Of not being able to verify the shipment, make it to me to know. Attn. María Elena Pereyra
You can download that manual from the JVC web site.
I'm hope you can get it, if not, just send me a e-mail and I'll tray to find it trough E'bay.
Juan desde Orlando, Florida, USA, (ex de Avellaneda).
How do i CONNECT MY dvd to jvc tv?