tim G Posted Dec 22, 2006
I got same problem. Did some scouting on the web and found this article. I have had the back off and checked what is checkable - connections, plugs etc and now think the article below is pretty right. Probably is a major problem. Interested to see if you resolved your issue or if it was terminal.
article follows:
BAD NEWS: These sets are both too old to be good candidates for repair. Why? Because the cost of repair compared to the value of the tvs, given the very high statistical probability of another failure very soon after the repair, it too high.
MORE BAD NEWS: It is not the ON/OFF switch. The problem with modern tvs when they will not start is due to the protection circuit taking over the power management circuitry. The protection circuit is more like an electronic fuse.
MORE BAD NEWS: The protection circuit goes into action because some section of the tv is drawing too much power and the circuit shuts the set down to avoid possible damage to the set.
MORE BAD NEWS: The most common cause of the shut down is a failing high voltage system, but can also be a defective horizontal or vertical deflection system, audio amplifier section or one of the several power supplies in the tv.
MORE BAD NEWS: The only way to determine what is exactly wrong with each set is for a tech to do a hands-on analysis of what is going on inside the tv. If I guessed and told you to replace the flyback transformer, you could do that and it would only cost about $35 for the part. But, it might not be that part and you would have to go to the horizontal output and so on until you had drained the bank dry. Hope you get the picture. And, if you take either of them to the shop, the cost of repair will be very high compared to value.
GOOD NEWS: You might be able to get them to power up by doing a hard reset. But, if they are too far gone, the will shut off and the protection circuit will latch up again.
HARD RESET: Unplug the power cord, leave disconnected for 3 or 4 hours. Then power up again - and see what happens.
Let me know if you have further questions. Always glad to help. Thanks for using allexperts.