Hi, what STK pack are you refering to ? part number wise. The STK packs i remember had pins far enough apart that solder bridges were never a issue..at least for me anyway :-) a vacuum buld or solder wick will remove the solder from the pins.... if the pins are close like you say and solder bridging is gonna be an issue, then the way i put surface mount IC's on the PCB might be an option for you,,,ok don't worry about solder bridges if one occurs while your soldering just keep going,,after you have all the pins soldered down regardless if theres a bridge or not..coat the pins with some liquid solder flux..and then use your soldering iron without any additional solder go across each pin pulling the solder away from the pins..like across the pcb this will remove any bridges.. if you pull to much solder away from any given pin just resolder it abit.