JVC Audio Receiver RX-884VBK (blank screen)
Tony Posted May 27, 2006
JVC Audio Receiver RX-884VBK (blank screen)
Above mentioned receiver now has blank screen when powered up. A couple of lights come on such as "Speakers 1", "One Touch Operation" and "Source". Other than that it's dead. Any chance it's simply a fus that has blown? Method for testing the receiver to determine the problem? Simply fried? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I just fixed my JVC having what seems like the same problem you are having. I replaced two 125v 2amp fuses inside(not near the power plug, under a board that has a small square cut out to remove them) works fine now. On a side note I searched everywhere for matching fuses, then found out that you can use 250v 2amp fuses(250v seems to be the majority of what places carry)
Comments 2, Last comment
by kfxryder Jun 23, 2006
Hey Tony, I am not a professional, however I do have some experience in this type of thing(putting computers together, installing car stereo, amps, electric sign design) I wouldn't have gone any farther then replacing the fuses, or even attempted replacing them if they weren't in a place I could get to without disturbing anything else. I opened the case(while unplugged of course), looked for the fuses, checked to see if they were blown, placed something underneath(to catch so they don't touch the circuit board) and pushed them out through the small cutout on the board they were on(they are the small glass bus type fuses), and replaced them with the 250v 2amp. I wouldn't attempt this if you don't feel comfortable doing this, there is a risk in it. I'm not sure if you know anything about electronics, but capacitors(they are the two round cylinders inside the case that you will see) these are dangerous and can hold a charge long after they unit has been unplugged. If the unit is already at a repair shop I would let them take care of it. I did this and was looking for an online owner's manual and came across your question, so I decided to post what I had done to help out(no guarantee that it would fix it since the damage could have went beyond the fuses, but for a couple of dollars it was worth a shot)
Let me know how it goes.