Sell video broadcast equipment
Sony & Tektronix
Hi, there,
How are you? My name is Paul. I am from River of Life Christian Church, CA. We are thinking to sell some of our video broadcast equipment. The reason to sell because we are going to upgrade.
Thank you very much. God bless you.
These are the listing items and condition
Product Condition- Excellent No visible cosmetic damage
Sony Editing Control Unit PVE-500 #704205
Sony Video Switch DFS-500 #10209
Sony DVCAM Recorder DSR-1800 #0111467
Operation 184 Drum 59 Tape 56 Thredaing 96
Tektronix 1720 Vectorscope #B068264
Tektronix 1730 Waveform #B081364
Product Condition- Average
Tektronix 1730 Waveform #B054088
Paul Hsu
River of Life Christian Church
405-260-0257 x112