I may have worded that wrong I meant that the 6 pins on the connector are for audio line input (front left and right, rear left and right, centre and sub)not speaker.
1 comment
peevi Posted Apr 21, 2006
Thanks for the update. What you found make sense. I had a look at the power board, but did not find any spare connector though,.. In fact, I was going to see if we can somehow make the relay to be switched ON all the time, so we could send signals on various pins and find the results.
Did you all find out which pin is for the sub woofer? Since I saw your message here, I feel like revisiting this and see if I can simply turn on the unit by bypassing the relay altogether...
I will update this thread around weekend after I have had a chance to play with it more...
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by PanamaRed Sep 23, 2006