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Home | Previous messageHi Eduardo, Have you find the VXC3000 Service Manual finally (last year)? If so, could you help me too? Greetings Tibor
Just to add to my an_ger everyone that searche_s 'DXC-3000 ma_nual' or any combination to find the nothingmorethanjustifiable p_df dow_nload will undoubtably have noticed that many li_nks that probably would have le_ad to such fi_le have been ki_l_led by most major search engines (the .com ones). It's s_i_ck. Hoi, I think these manual sellers should be banned from the internet since they sell copy_right material . . . and established brands should have an official archive site where all past equipment manuals are available since they are commercially defunct anyway. Have you gotten your ma_nual at this this? Would be nice to know. Best greetings and wishes, Ben |