Orlando - This is a VERY common problem with ALL DVD recorders, they are very choosy about machines they play on, and it doesn't matter if the other machine is made by the same company or not.
Some DVD recorders will play what THEY themselves recorded for a while, then stop doing it, but will still play on some other machine.
No brand is immune from this peculiarity, they ALL suffer to an extent in this respect, and its a case of trying out different DVD discs to see what has the highest success rate, Philips seem to be very good in this respect.
Another way this shows up is in the difference between DVD-R and DVD-RW, DVD-RW will not play in many machines, and even when they do, certain differences can sometimes be found in the way they operate.
To sum up, I wouldn't really consider any fault exists, more of a peculiarity that you will have to get used to, as most people I know with DVD recorders ALL have these sorts of problems now and again. (RAM of course is the most reliable system, but obviously only a few machines other than what recorded them, can play them)