Nancy Posted Nov 06, 2005
Expanded vertical image Can't see 2" top and lower image (i.e., news banner and station logos)
I love my television!!! but it has a problem with an expanded image that doesn't show top and bottom of screen (i.e., news banner) because the image is opened or larger. Sometimes when first turned on the image shows "interference" with lines across and expanded screen with time it "warms" up and the image gets better almost perfect (which is beautiful). What could it be so I can contact servie repair. Sometimes if I tap for brief moment it shrinks. I have reshuffled electrical connections and it has gotten better (there were times the image was scrunched and fluctuating not viewable when first turned on that no longer happens), but still something is wrong. When it first started happening, I would tap the back where the cables were plugged in and it would improve. I would also pull the TV forward from the cabinet to prevent touching of wires/cables. I have started searching websites for answers but do not know correct terminology. I think it has something do with power/amplification and that with time the "heat" of being on helps adjust. And, I know that some interference (electrical) has affected TV because of the result from moving plugs and wires and cables.
Steve Posted Nov 06, 2005
Hey Eric,
Your not the only one with this problem. I'm at my inlaws house now, watching the Pacer game and can't see the score on the tv. They have the same tv and and the same problem. This has been a problem since they bought the tv 15 +/- years ago. I want to know how to adjust the Tube size too. Is it a knob or something beyond that?
good luck
Comments 3, Last comment
by Eric Nov 10, 2005
Nancy it sounds like a Filter Capacitor has changed value in the Vertical Output Circuit. From what you wrote it also seems you may have poor solder joints on the Vertical Output IC. This chassis is very prone to these symptoms.
Comment 1, Last comment
by Nancy Nov 06, 2005