Sony KV32TW77 TV Set Dead
I've got a Sony KV32TW77 and the set just died one night (no picture no audio). I've done some searching and I can say this much after taking the board module out.
1. Tested I/P voltage up to fuse = 120VAC
2. Tested I/P voltage for RY602 which should be 12VDC but found zero volts.
3. Lifted RY602 from board and supplied 12VDC and relay made contact, so it works.
So I'm not getting the 12VDC req. to RY602 to get the req. 170VDC B+, but then again too, I really don't feel that I'm even producing high volts. I'm got some electronic experience (soldering, component testing/theory) and feel that if I had a schematic with normal volt readings at certain points, then I could TS to repair on my own. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hummm...I'll keep looking....need some schematics and/or service manual or any tribal knowledge to help me.