My cybershot shot is like my baby so at first i was reluctant to hit it too hard but after about half an hour of constant spanking i gave it one good smack in the arse & it came perfect, no more errors & perfect focus, i couldnt believe it i was just about losing hope, especially at one point during the bashing session it actually got more broken & the lcd screen began to look warped. anyway thanx for the good advice people ive just saved myself alot of money, the technician here told me it needed a new part which would cost $200 id love to go back there & show him how to fix cameras by the bashing method. cheers
marco Posted Jan 27, 2006
hi there
i read that you had the E:61:00 solved.. i am very interested how you did that.. i bought my p1 more than 5 years ago and i would love to keep it another five years..
Comment 1, Last comment
by mk sharma Mar 21, 2010
Amazing!!! Absolutley amazing... As the last post stated, I too had gotten the E:61:00 error code on my Sony Cybershot. It sat in the drawer for a while until I decided to do a search on the error code itself. Needless to say I found this help site. The rest is history! It only took me about 4-5 medium bashes and it's like new again! The screen didn't even go out. I powered it off, bashed it, powered it on and BINGO!!! WOW! Thanks for turning me into a basher! lol...
Comments 2, Last comment
by oscar Sep 08, 2008
David Posted Jul 05, 2006
Oh My God!!!! The bash method works. I've had an old Hi8 Sony Handicam sitting in a drawer upstairs for the past 2 to 3 years. I had the infamous E 61:00 error as well, which is the reason why I threw it in the drawer and bought a new one. I saw it in there, remembered the error message and typed it in Google and your post came up about giving it a good smack down. I did it, the screen went out after a few good ones and then when I powered it back up it worked. Well done. We'll see how long it lasts but for now it seems to be working just fine.