I've got the same problem with my DVP-S7700.
Even if the dvd is new, I've got this error: "NO DISC", and it becomes more and more difficult to read dvd.
If you've got a solution, please, send it back to me. I'll appreciate.
Thanks a lot,
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Wow...this was a long time ago. Anyway...the solution was unfortunately...to buy a new DVD player. I had my Sony S7700 in the shop for a couple months, literally everything was replaced on it except the mother board. The laser assembly, the motor, even all the connections on the motherboard were re-soldered to ensure a good connection, etc...etc...
In the end, it was determined that it was a motherboard failure and the cost of replacing the motherboard with a new one was going to be prohibitively expensive and more than buying a new top of the line DVD player, since they don't make that motherboard anymore.
So I bought a new Sony 999ES DVD/SA-CD player for around $600 + tax.
Got it at www.oade.com. (Pronounced "eddie").
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by Alex Aug 22, 2005