You are asking for the Mounted Circuit board A for this TV and this is the mother board.COsts US$300.00 and we can send this in 2 weeks.
Freight to your account by courier.
Simon Posted Aug 31, 2005
Hello there! Ive been trying to get hold of you via email - the circuit board that i found was unfortunately slightly faulty, so I'd like to find out whether your 300 dollar board includes shipping to the UK or not? Also, does it come with any form of installation instructions? I will need to replace this part myself as I am not allowing anyone else near my Sony again!! :)
Many Thanks!!
Comments 2, Last comment
by Simon Sep 02, 2005
Simon Posted Aug 14, 2005
Hey, thanks for getting back to me - the only thing is i actually found an old model tv like mine and the owner gave me his old PCB board for free!!!! :D