I have a Sony DCR PC5E which has a c21:00 error code, I have left it open for about six days hoping this would sort out the damp problem but it still remains with the error code, could you advise if there is anything else I could do.
John B
just remove the battery and switch die camera on (it remove all left electricity) than hit it in you hand very hard 3-4 times, after this is complete reset and this error is gone. It worked with many other people having this problem. Greetings from germany carsten
Comment 1, Last comment
by Ian Catherall Aug 03, 2008
Denis Posted Dec 01, 2006
Thank you so much ! 2 years without using my Sony DCR-PC5E because of this C:21:00 error and now it works again thanks to your post...
Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!
Denis from France