Gene Posted Jun 25, 2005, in response to:CRIS
I was given a Sony integrated audio system consisting of an amp unit (TA-AV431), a tuner unit (ST-JX431), a cassette deck (TC-W431)and, yet to come, a CD player. Special cables, rather than standard ones are needed to interconnect the component units. To be able to use the system in my cabinet, I need to place some of the components side by side instead of stacked, but the original connecting cables between the various units are too short. Are longer cables available, and from what sources. Many thanks. Gene
Edwin Posted Dec 06, 2009
Hi, I also have the same type of system but I have a problem I can not use my tuner casue I am missing the system control cable...but I dont know the name of it can you help me out..what is it called? This was given to me as a gift while working for this couple that I was painiting there house. They bought a new one and was about to throw this one away I was more than happy to get it no realizing that it was missing the connection. I hope you can help me out
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by Gil Jul 09, 2010
I would just get a different cabinet.