you need a vom. digital or analog. and a service manual. on the old parts (converter transistors) check for shorts between emitter and collector's. same with fuse resistor. if the transistors are shorted the 1 ohm resistor is open. behind the heat sinks for these converters is a 6.8 ohm resistor. if its open the black VDR next to it is leaky. change all. ive fixed hundreds of these.
also look for cold solder joints on the horizontal output transistor (Q601) and on the HDT (horizontal drive transformer). a very common problem. if the H OUT transistor is shorted, it will blow (short) all the components you listed.
after replacement i used a variac and a jumper across the AC line relay, a scope, 100x1 probe, attached to collector of H OUT transistor. bring up ac line slowly. watch current meter on variac!!! if current jumps up at low ac line voltage, shut off to keep from blowing new parts. if everything normal a pulse will appear on H OUT collector with low current on variac meter.
I am a retired sony service tech. fixed all tv's they made. and 100's of this model and chassis.............good luck. without equip you'll need it...gary