Benny Posted Jun 05, 2005
Not reccomended on my part, specifically if you are still under warranty, but there is a possible way to temporarily fix your system:
This same problem has occurred to me rather recently and the solution (other than sending it back) is to open up the PS2 yourself (voids your warranty). Since my warranty coverage has long come and gone, and the price that Sony charges to fix the PS2 is equivalent in value to the new one's, it was the best FREE choice available to me. I'm sure there are explicit instructions on how to do this throughout the net (just type "PS2 DISC ERROR" on and you'll see it). Some sites say it's a voltage problem, yet the most likely issue you're having is due to the strenght and alightment on your lens. Sadly, this problem is not rare among PS2 owners due to Sony's choice of laser for the launch models and a handful of the still "early" versions. Hopefully the new slim PS2 model has addressed this issue.
Remember, this solution is only temporary. The reason the Disc Errors occur is due to the reduced strenght of the laser in your PS2. Cleaning the inside and realigning it fixes problems temporarily (3-4 months) and requires that you do it again periodically due to the ever-reducing strenght of the unit. Despite the effort, your laser WILL eventually die out and the Disc Errors are the first signs of "wear and tear".
A quick simple solution that works for a lucky few is the "Lens cleaning cds" that you can find at your local Radio Shack. By simply cleaning off the dirt accumulated on the laser lens, the PS2 will perform better; yet it is often NOT enough to fix the problem entirely. My best of luck to you!