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Re: JVC service or questions

Terrance Johnson Posted Feb 25, 2005, in response to:Stacy Sample

Hi I have a JVC GR-D90U Camcoder and at first glance it seemed to be working fine. Later, as I got into "Video Editing" I noticed that I was unable to connect via "Firewire", but I am able to connect "composit and S-Video" but with NO sound. I know its not the firewire card because I also have a Maxtor One-Touch external Hard driver attached to it. Also when I start windows Movie Maker 3, it will no detect the camera. Nothing working. I have also downloaded and installed the JLIP VideoCapture Software as suggested on two "message boards" but it also does not reconized the camera. Do you have ANY suggestion for me. I need the software to detect my camera so that I can edit the video's I have taken. Thank you in advance for any and all the help you may provide me in this matter. Terrance Johnson


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