How to erase a DVD + R disc?
Newit Posted Dec 15, 2004
How to erase a DVD + R disc? Read only movies I burned on to DVD + R disc need to be erased off DVD.
Do I have the right kind of DVD that you can rerecord on and erase data after it has been burned onto DVD? I have DVD + R 4x 4.7GB RW DVDs'. Or is their software that comes with computers to erase this for you?
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by JB38 Aug 30, 2010
i have like 5 dvd+r that when i started to burn them my labtop malfuctioned and it did not copy on to them at all but it will not let me burn anything else on those dvd,s either is there some trick to erasing dvd+r that i need to know or are they just garbage.
sincerely, Gene T. Bailey
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by Luz May 02, 2006