I have a 15 month old JVC GR-D70US video recorder that has about 6 hours of time on it. Everything works as normal except the video captured is now permanently blank. It's almost like the shutter is stuck closed. I get the "Lens Cap" warning everytime I turn it on (in record mode) and a black screen in auto and manual mode. This was preceded by the video being red and choppy like in a low light environment for a few minutes. The display works fine for playing videos and all the other features seem fine. The zoom moves the lens and all the on screen displays work just no video is being recorded. BTW - the cap IS off. :)
I have tried removing power and reseting the unit to original settings. I tried everything in the troubleshooting manual. This camcorded has been very seldom used and lives in a padded case in my house. It has never been exposed to the elements or dropped.
I'm hesitant to pay a non-refundable $75 to have someone look at it because it seems like a dud. Can you advise as to whether this is a known problem and if I should pursue fixing it?