my jvc tv - av-65wp74 was playing, then a thumping noise started and the set shut itself off. When i turned it back on, no picture or sound just the same thumping noise through the speakers.
My father has the same TV, He had a repair guy come and fix it for 300 bucks and it died about a week later had anyone figured out the problem yet?
I have a JVC 56" Rear Proj Hi-Def TV model #AV-65WP74. As Shannon experienced, it started making a "thumping" noise through the speakers and shut down. The only sign of life was the blue light on the power button fading in and out. I un-plugged and then re-powered it with the same results.
A local repair shop had to take it back to their shop to work on it. They called today to tell me that the "high-voltage transformer" had to be replaced at a cost of $570.00 to $630.00. Does this sound accurate? Is this a realistic repair cost?
I researched repair parts costs on-line @ Partstore.com and couldnt find any such part name or description.
This set isn't even 3 years old. At this point I need to decide if it's worth repairing or buying a new set. If nothing else, this is probably a good example of the justification for an extended warranty.
Please provide your feedback ASAP. I feel like I'm living in the dark ages without my big-screen!
Many thanks,
Comment 1, Last comment
by sal loera Sep 25, 2006
Barry Posted Sep 07, 2005
I have this same problem and I opened the front up and saw smoke coming from one the bulbs.