Stacy, I have a JVC AV-35750 36” TV that I bought in Texas in about 97. It has a great picture and audio. Recently it began having serious noise on power on and then it became a problem all the time. It has nothing to do with the volume controls but seems to be related to the brightness level. Sounds like high voltage feedback. Many years ago I was in the TV biz and was a tech. I removed the chassis and examened it for any obvious defects, bad soldering, burn marks, and found nothing. I no longer have any bench equipment as I now work for the DoD in Occupational Safety. The nearest repair center is over at Panama City Beach 45 minutes away and the guy there said all he could do was pull the chassis and ship it in. Can I ship it myself and if so to whom do I send it? I can afford to buy a new TV and am looking at a LCD flat set and may buy it anyway, but we sure like the JVC and if not cost prohibitive, wouldn't mind spending a bit to get it back on line. The set is just too heavy for me to lift anymore, guess I'm getting old. Can you guys help? Probably have seen this problem before and can go right to it huh?