Looking for power supply for SLV-E730 (SR825 from Mitsumi). I could probably repair it myself, but I don't have schematic or service manual. Can you help?
Can you tell me, what is IC151 on SR825 for SONY SLV-E730,please? Our element is missing.
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by Andrea Sep 16, 2007
Steve Posted Oct 02, 2005
I'm also looking for a power supply for a SLV-E730UX (SR825 from Mitsumi) any help would be great
Comment 1, Last comment
by Kris Verstraelen Oct 04, 2005
I am also looking for help with the same power supply module. It failed after an interuption to the domestic power supply. I am not very high tech but I could probably replace a component if I was told what to do !