Re: Re: Re: JVC service or questions
Keith Posted Oct 25, 2004, in response to:Rodger
THANK YOU, Tom Pajaewski! My JVC AV-36980 stopped working - no power. On a call to a JVC certified repair shop, they told me they're not sure what the problem could be, but I would be looking at $300-400 repair.
I replaced the C926 capacitor for under 2 dollars and now it works like a charm!
Sounds like JVC indeed does have a problem with these models.
Many thanks to this helpful board!
My AV 36980 wouldn't come back on after a power outage. Just completely dead. I tried the Tom P fix, replacing the c-926 cap. It didn't work though.
The fuse was fine.I did notice the cap wasn't as close to the white rectangular resistor as was described. Is there maybe another "power supply component" cap that I need to look at since this was a diff model than Tom P's?
Thanks in advance for anyone's replies. HD.
what do i ask for at radio shack to replace the c926?
Like everyone else, all of a sudden my AV-36980 just quit working. Hit the power button and nothing happens. I haven't tried he Pajaewski fix, but plan to. There is a consistent defect as my TV was purchased 4.5 years ago as well... Keith B
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by Keith B Jan 22, 2005