Re: Re: JVC service or questions
Steve Posted Sep 07, 2004, in response to:Richard
I have this same set and a similar problem. I have 2 very thin white bars, each about about and inch or two wide in the upper left corner of the screen when watching cable or a dvd. I thought it might be interference from my center speaker, but if that were the case then there should be these bars when on a blue screen for a video input. I also tried unplugging the coax cable because I thought it may have been a bad line, but with no cable coming in there are still the bars when watching a dvd. Anybody know how to get into the service menu to maybe shift the image slightly up to eliminate the problem?
I had the same problem with mine. I changed C424 capacitor, 100uf, 35volts and it solved the problem. It is a 49 cents part here in Canada.
Too bad JVC wont acknowledge the problem which seems to start at about 2 years of service.
My next TV will not be a JVC.
Hope thid is of help.
Comments 3, Last comment
by Rachel Dec 03, 2008
I have the same issue with my JVC television... white, horizontal lines.. any solution ? Too bad JVC denies any knowledge of this issue, I have called and they maintain they know nothing of it.. LIARS.