I found that if I used the Windows Image Transfer Wizard in XP (really any image transfer software should work if you can select which images too transfer) - it would read the card and display all of the images. I would try to copy all of the images - usually failing on the 1st image. I would retry but this time unselecting the image it failed on. Then I found that I was able to retireve the remaining images. Yes, I did loose a picture. But loosing 1 is a heck of a lot better than loosing the entire memory stick! I hope this information helps. I have received this error with both the 16MB stick that cam with my DSC-P72 and the Lexar 256 (128x2) I purchased seperately. If this is truly a problem of the memory stick technology - Sony needs to give of this proprietary technology and go with the SDD or Flash everyone else uses.