janey Posted Jul 27, 2004
Dear Sir or Ms,
How are you doing?
Here is Janey from Wei Hui Electronic International co,Ltd.
We are the manufacturer dealing with all kinds of laser lens (something for VCD/DVD/CD) and spare parts for playstation consoles. We have our own factory to product the products and sell them in our own shops. So the products have high quality and have no clients complain about our products.
First you can have a general on our website and we of course have more than we showed on the website.
I send to see if we have a chance for cooperation.
If you find something in need, please feel free to contact me.
Have a good day!
Best regards,
WeiHui Electronics Co. Ltd.
Headquarter: R517, 5F, No. 421-459, Jie Fang Zhong Road, Guangzhou City, China.
Tel: 86-20-61189092 Fax:86-20-61189392
Manager: Mr Chen Huidong M.P: 013822259788
China: www.guangzhouweiqi.com
HongKong: www.gzwh.com
E-mail: gzwq@0086E.com
MSN: Janey_zhang009@hotmail.com
ICQ: 274665212