Latest Speaker Technology...
I am building a surround sound system, yet I plan to use the system mainly for listening to music CD. Now I am in the market for a pair of main floor speckers, I will add satalite speakeres later. Old school told me that in order to get a rich solid bass, it takes at least a 12 inches or 15 inches woofer to acheive clean solid bass ( I don't like to use sub-woofer when listening to two chennel CD ). New floor speakers now-a-day tend to be tall lean setup with two 6 inches or 8 inches woofers to drive, and it promise good bass because of new speaker technology. What is the verdict...Can the new tall lean speakers delivery the bass like my old 15" monster?
I have limited budget...I heard a lot a good things about Song SS-MF750H, can it get me the acceptable rich clean bass without using sub-woofer when listenisng to music CD?