hi i have a samsung phone fromlast year. i dont no the model number off hand and its in my closet right now. anyway i had a probom with the phone a few months ago wen if u closed the fone too hard or sometimes even at all u would have no display it would light up and u could still call and recive calls but thats it. so my friend has a cell phone shop and i bought a new wire that goes from the main circut board to the screen. i replaced it and closed it up but now all i get is a blue screen. i cant turn it off or do anything with it now. i opened it up to make sure everything was proporly connected and it was. so if u could help m it wold be great this is a really great fone"when it worked" so i world really like to get it up again. plz email me at paramusboy88@yahoo.com becuse i dont think i will be on again thanks