Panasonic AGEZ1
Andy G Posted Mar 03, 2004
Rare or just extinct?
Trying to get an idea of what my VGC EZ1 is worth second hand but why are there no other sellers out there to get a guide price from? Nothing on E-bay or other ususal haunts. Are these camcorders so beloved of their owners that no one wants to part with them? Or, are they the videographic equivalent of Herpes?
Anyone prepared to break the truth to me? I'm tough;I can take it.
hi, can you send me a full specs of your camera? when did you acquire it? can you also attach photos of it, thanks
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by J Oct 22, 2006
Coque Posted Apr 02, 2004
Hello, i want to buy a 3 ccd camera, so please let me know the condition and price of your camera and maybe we can make it work.
Is it pal or NTSC?
Write me to coquearaujo@hotmail.com