Sony BVH-3100 VTRs and misc. for sale
I have (2) Sony BVH-3100 VTRs in excellent condition, both have maintenence manuals and attached rack rails. Both were well maintained by a major station.
I also have some other older equipment:
Tektronix 520A and a Tektronix 1480R waveforms, both in excellent condition.
(2) Kliegl 'Entertainer' lighting controllers, good condition, but outside cases are dirty and damaged.
Sony BVU-20 portable betacam player, beat up on the outside.
I also have a Yamaha mixing board, works perfectly but needs cleaning and is missing a couple or three sliding knobs. Email for more information.
If anyone is interested in this stuff, email me and we'll go from there. I can deliver/meet 1/2 way within a reasonable distance...Atlanta area.