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HomeBroadcast Equipment For Sale I bought a competitor's equipment who was going out of business and it is all for sale. Here is a list: Items for Sale --Abekas A27 Still Storer Digital Disk Recorder --Abekas A72 Digital Character Generator --AJA Video B10A Comp An to Ser Dig Conv (2) --AJA Video C10PS SMPTE par to ser --AJA Video C10SP (5) --AJA Video D10A --AJA Video D10C --AJA Video D5D NTSC/Pal to Serial Decoder --AJA Video D5E --Anchor AN-1000X Monitor System --Anchor Speaker Tripods --Anvil Cases (Various Sizes) --Aspen NHP-50 Batteries (18) --Aspen ROQ-4Pro Charger with 4 NHP-65 Bricks --Astron LR61869 AC Adaptors (3) --Astron RS-7A (2) --ATI MatchMaker MM100 IHF to Pro level impedence interface system- -Anton Battery Belt --Camera Mount Light NRG 50 WATT --Canon 1FT 4:3x16 Widescreen J15ax8B4 3x12 Lens --Canon XL1 3x Zoom Lense XL3.4-10.2mm 1;1.8-2.2 w/pelican case- --Century Precision C17259 .8X Wide Angle Converter --Comprehensive Video Supply Corporation TCG-1000 --Digital Processing Systems Component TBC Synch DPS-290- -Electro Voice RE50/b Mics (2) --Extron ADA 380 --Farell QUI 301Hamlett Waveform Vector --Fostex D20b DAT Recorder --GE 35 Watt 1CVL100 w/Pelican Case --Grass Valley Audio DA w/tray DA8551 --Grass Valley Model1000 Digital Video Mixer --Horita Power Sync Generator CSG-50 --Ice 97000-0000 Ultra Blue Ice Graphics Accelerator Card- --IDX IA-60A DC Power Units (3) --Ikegami PM-454 Rack Mount Monitor System --Ikegami PM9-5 (3) --JVC VR700 Duplicator --Lectrosonics 190 UHF Wireless Mic System --Lectrosonics M185 VHF Wireless Mic System --Lectrosonics M185 VHF Wireless Mic System w/handheld & lavalier transmitter (2)- --Lowell DP Kits (2) -MicroTek Electronics MiniLink 2.4R Video Transmitter/Reciever- -Mobile Production Switcher w/ mixer, 4-monitors, and intercom base- -NEC DA2710 Multi Sync Monitor --NEC DM 2000p Monitor --NEC LCD Video Projector LT155 --Net PSW-6 Passive Video Switcher --Neuman BS48I Phantom Power Unit --NRG NiCAd 630 Charge Units (2) --Panasonic AG-6200 VHS Recorder --Panasonic AG-A600 Remote Controller --Panasonic WJ-225R Test Video Switcher --Panasonic WV-5300 B&W Monitor --Parr Columbia RC-501 Intercom w/Base (4) --Pinnacle Aladdin Production Switcher 102350N-601 --PSC MilliMic Lavalier Mics (3) --QTV QCP-LT Teleprompter Systems 1 DOS Version, 1 Windows version- -Radio Shack TRC-500 (4) --Rane SM26 Mixer --Realistic PZM Catalogue#33-1090B --Sachtler Video 18 plus Tripod (Aluminum Sticks) --Sachtler Video 20 II Tripod (Cartoni Sticks w/ mid-level spreader)- --Sachtler Video 20 III Tripods (1-mid level Spreader, 1-Floor Spreader)- --Scan-Do Pro Comp to Vid Scan Converter --Scan-Do Pro II Comp to Vid Scan Converter --Sigma Series 2100 Model SS2100-2 (2) --Sony AC-500 (2) --Sony AC-550 --Sony BC1WA 4 Position Battery Charger --Sony BC4 Chargers BC1WD (2) --Sony BP90 Chargers (2) --Sony BVH-3100 1" Reel to Reel Video Deck --Sony BVR-58 Color Corrector --Sony BVU-800 3/4" Recorder --Sony BVW-400A Betacam SP --Sony BVW-D600 --Sony BVX-10 Component Color Corrector --Sony CA-3A Camera Adaptors (2) --Sony CMA-7 Power Supply --Sony DCR-TRV25 HandiCam --Sony DCR-VX1000 w/accessories & Pelican Case (2) --Sony DSR-PD150 (2) --Sony DXC-750 Camera w/control module --Sony ECM55b Lavalier Mics (5) --Sony PVW-2650 BetaSP Playback Deck w/Dynamic Control- -Sony PVW-2800 BetaSP Editing Deck --Sony PVM-8320 Monitor --Sony RM-P3 Remote Control Units (2) --Sony UVW-1800 (2) --Sony VA-300 Playback Adaptor --Sony VA-500 Playback Adaptor --Sony VCL-HG0758 Wide Angle lens --Sony VO-5800 3/4" Recorder --Sony VO-5850 3/4" Editing Deck --Sungun & Battery Belt --SunpackTwin V102 Charger --Tektronics Leader LCG 412B --Tektronics WFM90 Waveform Generator --Teledyne Sony Camera Shipping Cases (4) --TRAM TR50 Lavalier Mic --TSM 160 Power Supply --Union Battery MX12070 Light Battery for the GE 35 Watt light- -VGA Monitor Splitters --Video Ventures Inc BV-70P Video Dist Amp --Videonics MX1 Video Switcher --Videonics Titlemaker TM-1 NTSC --Videotek Times 6 Master Phase Controller --Videotek VDA16 (2) --Vintner Voice Reciever 910-020-001 Microtel --Wescott Reflective Umbrellas 45" (2) --Zima 600 Watt Power Inverter FTV-6 --Cannon J1K5X9.584 VCL-915BYA --Sony PVM 1344Q --Sony BC410 Charger (2) --Sony DXC-D30 Camera PVV-3 Back --Sennheiser MKH816T Mic --Sony CA-537 Camera adaptor --Tascam DA-P1 Field Dat Recorder --Sony STR-D315 Stereo am/fm amp --Century Precision 16:9 Widescreen Adaptor --Ikegami/Audio Technica Boom Mic --Electro Voice RE50/b Mic --XLR-Pro adaptor for Cannon XL1 --Digital RC2000 Remote Control --L Port 422 --Fuji Digital Video Printer NC-2 --Kramer Video Componet Distributor 1042 --Sony DCC 3000 Car Battery Adaptor --Wilson/ H Wilson Carts --NTI VOPEX-2KM-MAC
176 comments, pages: « 1 2 3 … 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 »
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Hi I am interested in the Sony DSR-PD150 you have listed for sale. Could you please advise if one is still available and the asking price? Thanks Dave I would like to purchase a mx1 video switcher new or used. Hi, I was intrested on the Lectrosonics wireless mic are they available an d what's your asking price , . thank you ..... Dear Sir or Madam, I've customer whom urgently need of Sony BVW 400a in NTSC mode.Include Fujion 15 times ext + batt + charger. If you have those please reply a.s.a.p. thanks, Hello, do you have PAL equipment yet ? Regards Is the Sony DXC-750 still available? If so, what is the cost and what kind of lens does it have. Sony DCR-VX1000 w/accessories & Pelican Case (2) Do you still have this, how much and what accessories? I hope you see this quick because I'm about to bid on ebay for one. Thx. I am interested in the Sennheiser MKH816T shot gun mic and the Ikegami/Audio Technica Boom mic. Are they still available? I guess if I don't here from you in a reasonable amount of time, I'll presume they have been sold. Thank You, Charlie i need pinnacle alladin please give me the price and software detail.thank you I.m interested in the SONY DSR-PD 150 and Sony BVW-400A Betacam SP. Please write to me the price of its. Thanks |