I have one DPS Perception card. Its a big PCI Card with video capture dautherboard.
I got it complete with cables (Component, S-Video, Composite, etc), manuals, divers, box, etc.
I also have one Micropolis 10 GB, 10 Mb/s SCCI Hard Disk attached to it (the disk is faster than the Perception card ever needs).
The good thing is that the SCCI disk is attached directly to the Perception card, so no other scci card is required. Furthermore, all the disk access is handled by the card itself, so no single CPU resources are used while playing or recording video (that means you will NEVER see a single dropped frame).
The card is a delight and extremely high quality (image quality, professional image controls, calibrations, etc), but rather outdated (no firewire, no realtime transitions, etc).
I buyed the card about 5 years ago and since then had no single problem ever with it (I am professional freelance 3d animator).