My TV doesn't want to come on any at all. A red light blinks by the stand-by button on the computer though.
Please help
I bouth my Sony Triniton TV in June 2003 and it just started doing the exact same thing. The part that keeps it warmed up so the TV will turn on, has stopped working. That little red light blinks and it makes a sound like it's starting to come on, then it shuts itself down. For about a week, it would eventually come on if you stayed with it. But now it won't come on at all. It's such a heavy TV and we have it in an armoire, so there's no way to get around to the back of it to find out the model number. It takes FOUR strong men to move it!!! Why don't they put those on the front of the television??? I don't know how we're going to find a repair guy to fix it and we don't know where to take it to re-cycle it!!! Most places take computer items, but not televisions, especially hard to move ones like this! HELP!!!
I just found a KV-32S20 Sony Trinitron
and it did the blinking and lack of picture but I fixed it with the two
dials on the transformer.
I have a different problem. The hue
is almost at 0 and I need the remote control to access menu to turn the
hue up. The picture looks pretty dull
presently. Anyone willing to sell me
or donate the remote for the kv 32s20
model I would appreciate it.
Willing to pay $20 USD.
Interested email proposal to
or Snail Mail
Michael Grant
400 Parliament Street
Toronto, Ontario
Comment 1, Last comment
by Don Bulard Jul 09, 2009
I was told this is a really common problem. Mine is about 5 years old and does the same thing. No one in New Orleans will repair it or even take it for parts. The repair companies here say it is a flaw with the Trinitron.
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by Dana Feb 13, 2004