1977 85 hp Johnson outboard motor oil/gas ratio
craig Posted Aug 02, 2003
Oil/Gas Ratio
What is the proper oil gas mixture for a 1977 85 hp johnson outboard motor?
steve Posted Mar 26, 2004
just need to know the right mixture for a 9.9 johnson
In the late 70's bought a 50's something 18 hp Johnson the old ratios were 16 or 18 to 1 ? ask the local dealer what oil mix was told 50 to 1 at the time that it was not the engine as much as the oil quality 100 to 1 one if the oil is capable Amsol oil is a sinthitic that has worked very well for me in 100 to 1 from chain saw to out board. By a good oil Johnson, Mercury etc. folow the lable on the oil. I have had very bad luck with Penzoil.
I own a 1989 Johnson Outboard Motor, oil injection,120 HP. We live in southern Ohio, 45 miles south of Cols. Other than a Johnson or Evanrude dealer...where can I purchase the outboard motor oil.
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by anonymous Oct 29, 2003
www.goa-northcoastoil.com has a guide, says 50:1 for older '65-'85 Evinrude/Johnson