ex-lease Quantel Editbox for sale
Hi ,
We have the following ex-lease Quantel Editbox for sale:
Editbox 8U s/n: C16833
- 1 hrs storage (*see below)
- 6 mxFX layers
- Maya Option
- Clipnet Option
- V8.0 s/w
- A3 digitiser
- purchased May 2000
* Quantel UK have stated from their service records: "So far I can tell that it has capacity for up to 2 hours storage, but has one hour option enabled"
The machine is offline & available immediately from London. Photos available.
Offers invited. Rather than reply to the post on this site, please email me direct richardbarker@assetpoint.co.uk
Best wishes,
Richard Barker
AssetPoint Europe Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 207 687 1167
Fax: +44 (0) 870 922 3109
Mobile: +44 (0) 7799 476 433