10 Sony Flexicarts like new in stock in Los Angeles sitting in front of me right now. Shrinkrapped and ready to inspect or ship anywhere. Sony sells these for $49,995.00.
These are listed with other brokers but these are in my inventory.
Buy direct at $17,000.00 each for 1 or all 10.
Each Flexicart is set up with Betacam or Digital Betacam bins. These can be changed to handle any video cassette made by Sony from HDcam on down to VHS or Betamax. They can also be used as digital media storage devices with an MPEG machine. Useing MPEG machines, you can store up to 7 Tereabytes hot swappable at any time and move many GB's at a time in and out of the unit by changing MPEG tapes in the bin.
Call BARRY at 818-562-1328 for more information or to inspect. Other brokers are charging up to $25,000.00 for the same units.